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Notice and Take Down (NTD) is an initiative of organizations that are doing their best to combat the presence of unlawful information (‘content’) on the internet. Notice and take down is widely operated in relation to copyright infringement, as well as for libel and other illegal content. Content is removed by the host following notice. Both expertise in the field as best practices are used to draw a NTD code of conduct. uses this code of conduct as guide for its NTD procedure. The NTD code addresses the way reports concerning (alleged) unlawful content on the internet are dealt with. The code should contribute to the ability of private individuals and organizations to deal effectively with these types of reports between themselves as far as possible.
1. Scope
2. Definitions
3. Intermediary’s own Notice-and-TakeDown policy
Intermediaries have their own Notice-and-TakeDown procedure that the public must be able to consult and that is consistent with this code. This procedure describes how intermediaries deal with reports of unlawful content on the Internet. By means of this procedure, intermediaries wish to ensure that a report is always dealt with and that unlawful content is removed from the Internet.
4. Reports
It is preferable that a report is only made once it is likely that the notifier and the content provider will be unable to reach an agreement. The notifier is responsible for ensuring reports are correct and complete.
5. Evaluation
On receipt of a report it is dealt with by the intermediary according to the intermediary’s own procedure.
6. Measures to be taken
The intermediary takes action on the basis of the results of the evaluation process.
7. Final provisions
Please note that the Dutch version of the Notice and Take Down is binding. The English Notice and Take Down is a free translation of the Dutch “Nederlandse Notice en Takedown (NTD) procedure”.
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