Women’s Day 2023: Navigating the tech industry

8 March 2023

On Women’s Day this year, the women at i3D.net speak about navigating the industry, and the challenges they have faced, alongside tips and tricks for new entrants to succeed.

"My advice for a woman navigating the tech industry is to surround yourself with people who support what you are doing. It really helped me to have someone to look up to, to guide and to inspire me when needed. Learn to appreciate yourself and your work and don't be afraid to share it with others. Women might be underrepresented in tech, this doesn't make you any less qualified or worthy. We need more role models like you."

Manon Woensdregt, UI/UX Designer at i3D.net

"I believe that diversity and inclusivity are essential for creating a supportive and productive workplace. Embracing differences and fostering a culture of respect and acceptance not only benefits individual employees, but also leads to better business outcomes. It's important to recognize and celebrate the unique perspectives and contributions that each person brings to the team."

Scarlett Samantha Verheul, Backend Software Engineer at i3D.net

"What helps me navigate this male-dominated field is being mindful of my imposter syndrome. Many of us feel like frauds in our field. To build my confidence, I develop a sense of pride in my accomplishments. When I do something well, I ask myself what I can be proud of instead of attributing my success to external factors. This small cognitive shift helps me overcome self-doubt and believe in myself."

Janine Amelie Lourens, Frontend Developer at i3D.net

“Find allies in your workplace. Look for those positive-minded colleagues (male and female) who are not afraid to mentor, advocate for you, and give you advice. Never stop learning and keep your growth mindset going! Empowering yourself with knowledge and sharing it with others with give you confidence in the workplace. Celebrate achievements of your fellow women colleagues. Collectively we have more impact by supporting each other and collaborating with one another. ”

Andrea Williams, Technical Writer at i3D.net

"I’m relatively new to the tech/gaming industry, but something that has worked out for me in these few months is putting myself out there. It can be quite intimidating sometimes — but it has helped me to have the confidence to ask questions and learn as much as possible. Finding a safe space for women to collaborate and support each other has also been key for my journey."

Ana Paula Villarreal, Community Manager at i3D.net

"Women in tech and gaming are often placed in traditional gender roles or stereotypes or face sexual objectification. Our first step is to recognize these stereotypes and encourage open communication about them. Never let anyone cast doubt upon yourself and your abilities. Show support to women-led teams and strive for change for the better. I, myself, am glad that i3D.net encourages these discussions and fully supports us in our goals, ambitions, events and endeavors. Find a career that does that for you."

Michelle Tan, Business Development Manager - Gaming at i3D.net
Main Take-Aways

The valuable contribution of women in the tech industry can go often unnoticed, and which is why the women at i3D.net speak about tips and tricks to navigate towards success.

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