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API v3 Error Codes

Error group codes

These error group codes define error categories. Within each category there will be codes for specific errors. These are documented further down this page.

Range Error code Error Group
Table 1: Error group codes


Error Code Message
10001 Entity not found
10002 No (valid) entity ID provided
10003 No access to entity
10004 Unauthenticated / invalid credentials for API request
10005 You are already logged in
10006 Unknown API version
10007 Internal server error
10008 An invalid parameter was provided
10009 Entity cannot be deleted due to conflict
10010 The supplied JSON request body does not have a valid structure
10011 No request body supplied
10012 API route not found
10013 RANGED-DATA header not found
10014 RANGED-DATA results cannot be larger than than %d
10015 RANGED-DATA sum of start and results must be less than or equal to %d
10016 Invalid filter column
10017 %s is not a valid column to filter on
10018 Invalid sort column
10019 %s is not a valid column to sort on
10020 Invalid sort order
10021 %s is not the valid sort order, only ASC and DESC are allowed
10022 The page has expired, please try again
10023 The %s is invalid
10024 Invalid label key
10025 Only hyphens (-), underscores (_), lowercase characters and numbers are allowed. Keys must start with a lowercase character
10026 No application instance found for %s (%s)
10027 Service not available
10028 List of following fields are not available in model
10029 Not a valid field
10030 Invalid filter value
10031 %s value of \'%s\' is not a valid ID
Table 2: Generic error codes


Error Code Message
45001 Invalid account ID
45002 Account already exists
45003 Too many accounts
45004 The confirmation expired, request a new confirmation and try again
45005 The confirmation is no longer valid
45006 The email address is already in use
45007 Cannot update the email address, it's already stored in your account
10008 An invalid parameter was provided
10009 Entity cannot be deleted due to conflict
10010 The supplied JSON request body does not have a valid structure
10011 No request body supplied
10012 API route not found
10013 RANGED-DATA header not found
10014 RANGED-DATA results cannot be larger than than %d
10015 RANGED-DATA sum of start and results must be less than or equal to %d
10016 Invalid filter column
10017 %s is not a valid column to filter on
10018 Invalid sort column
10019 %s is not a valid column to sort on
10020 Invalid sort order
10021 %s is not the valid sort order, only ASC and DESC are allowed
10022 The page has expired, please try again
10023 The %s is invalid
10024 Invalid label key
10025 Only hyphens (-), underscores (_), lowercase characters and numbers are allowed. Keys must start with a lowercase character
10026 No application instance found for %s (%s)
10027 Service not available
10028 List of following fields are not available in model
10029 Not a valid field
10030 Invalid filter value
10031 %s value of \'%s\' is not a valid ID
Table 3: Account group codes


Error Code Message
990001 Invalid agentSoftwareReleaseId, find the possible ids in: GET /automation/agent/software/release
990002 The version number you try to insert is already in use (%s)
990003 You have given an invalid version.
990004 The given runtime identifier (%s) is not supported in the system
45006 The email address is already in use
45007 Cannot update the email address, it's already stored in your account
10008 An invalid parameter was provided
10009 Entity cannot be deleted due to conflict
10010 The supplied JSON request body does not have a valid structure
10011 No request body supplied
10012 API route not found
10013 RANGED-DATA header not found
10014 RANGED-DATA results cannot be larger than than %d
10015 RANGED-DATA sum of start and results must be less than or equal to %d
10016 Invalid filter column
10017 %s is not a valid column to filter on
10018 Invalid sort column
10019 %s is not a valid column to sort on
10020 Invalid sort order
10021 %s is not the valid sort order, only ASC and DESC are allowed
10022 The page has expired, please try again
10023 The %s is invalid
10024 Invalid label key
10025 Only hyphens (-), underscores (_), lowercase characters and numbers are allowed. Keys must start with a lowercase character
10026 No application instance found for %s (%s)
10027 Service not available
10028 List of following fields are not available in model
10029 Not a valid field
10030 Invalid filter value
10031 %s value of \'%s\' is not a valid ID
Table 4: AgentSoftwareRelease error codes


Error Code Message
48001 Invalid softwareId, find the possible ids in: GET /admin/odp/agent/software/version
48002 Invalid software version, find the possible versions in: GET /admin/odp/agent/software/version
Table 5: SoftwareVersion error codes


Error Code Message
52001 Invalid apiKeyId, find the possible ids in: GET /account/apiKey
48002 Invalid software version, find the possible versions in: GET /admin/odp/agent/software/version
Table 6: ApiKey error codes


Error Code Message
56001 Invalid apiKeyWhitelistId, find the possible ids in: GET /account/apiKey/{apiKeyId}/whitelist
56002 The IP range already exists for this API key, find the already existing IP ranges in: GET /account/apiKey/{apiKeyId}/whitelist
Table 7: ApiKeyWhitelist error codes


Error Code Message
40000 the possible values are: GET
56002 The IP range already exists for this API key
Table 8: ApiLog error codes


Error Code Message
28001 The application type can not be changed because the given application is already in use in a game deployment template
28002 The application type can not be changed because the given application is already in use in a utility deployment template
28003 Invalid applicationId, find the possible ids in: GET /application
28004 The application name must be unique, but this name is already in use by application with ID %s
28005 Invalid application type, the possible values are: %s
28006 Invalid managementProtocol, the possible values are: 0: None, 1: A2S, 2: ARCUS
28007 The application used by the application build is no longer valid, please modify it. Find the possible applicationIds in: GET /application and update the application build in: PUT /applicationBuild/{%d}
28008 The application used by the application install is no longer valid, please modify it. Find the possible applicationIds in: GET /application and update the application install in: PUT /applicationInstall/{%d}
28009 At least one application build exist for this application, therefore the application cannot be deleted
28010 The application must be of type Game, find the possible ids in: GET /application
28011 You can only set a management protocol on application type game
28012 The applicationId %s you set doesn't match the id (%s) already saved
28013 The chosen stop method ID %s doesn't belong to the operating system ID %s
Table 8: Application error codes


Error Code Message
30001 The application used in the body is of type Game. It needs at least one property of type public network port. You can create this property in: POST /application/{applicationId}/property
30002 The application used in the body has a management protocol bigger than 0, a property called "managementPort" of type network port is needed, you can create this property in POST /application/{applicationId}/property
30003 Invalid applicationBuildId, find the possible ids in: GET /applicationBuild
30004 The application build name already exists, the name must be unique
30005 The application build use in the deploy is no longer valid, please create a new application instance, find the possible applicationBuildIds in: GET /applicationBuild
30006 The application build must belong to a deployment template of the fleet
30007 The application build is currently in use by some application instances, please delete them before trying to delete the application build
30008 Invalid applicationBuildId (%s), find the possible ids in: GET /applicationBuild
30009 You can only assign one application build
30010 oldApplicationBuildId and newApplicationBuildId is same
30011 The old application build and the new application build have different operating systems
30012 The application build file gave an error on checking the file on the server. The HTTP response code from server: %s. The URL used for the request was %s. Please correct the error or contact our help desk to help you solve this problem
30013 The provided build provisioning registration id %s is not valid
30014 In an update you cannot change the file, please create a new build and use the patch job to change the build
30015 You cannot change an application build from build provisioning type %s to %s, please create a new application build
30016 You must supply the applicationBuildFile
30017 The application build is currently in use by %s deployment template(s) %s, and in fleet(s) %s
Table 9: ApplicationBuild error codes


Error Code Message
37000 Invalid applicationBuildConfigurationId, find the possible ids in: GET /applicationBuild/%d/configuration
Table 10: ApplicationBuildConfiguration error codes


Error Code Message
38000 Invalid propertyId, find the possible ids in: GET /applicationBuild/%d/property
38001 Invalid network port, the network port is already used by application build property \'%s\' (%s)
Table 11: ApplicationBuildConfiguration error codes


Error Code Message
35000 Invalid bmInstanceTypeId, find the possible ids in: GET /host/instanceType
35001 Invalid vmInstanceTypeId, find the possible ids in: GET /cloud/instanceType
35002 The amount of application instances on this bare metal instance type cannot be bigger than %d (this is equal to numCpu * numCoresPerCpu * ' . RelationApplicationInstanceEntity::UPPER_LIMIT . ')
35003 The amount of application instances on this cloud instance type cannot be bigger than %d (this is equal to numCpu * ' . RelationApplicationInstanceEntity::UPPER_LIMIT . ')
Table 12: ApplicationDeployment error codes


Error Code Message
31001 No application found, find the possible ids in: GET /application
31002 Application install already exists for that application
31003 Invalid installId, find the possible ids in: GET /applicationInstall
31004 This application install is being use in at least one application build, thus it can not be deleted
31005 The application install name already exists, the name must be unique
31006 Invalid osGroupId, the possible values are: 1:  windows, 2: linux
31007 Invalid active value, the possible values are: 0: not active, 1: active
31008 Cannot create application build an application install with Id %s is still in the process of being created
Table 12: ApplicationInstall error codes


Error Code Message
34001 The selected host is assigned to a different fleet that the one provided, please select another host or the fleet the host has assigned
34002 The application instance status cannot be manually set if the application instance is not running
34003 The application instance status cannot be manually set to allocated if the application instance is not online
34004 Invalid applicationInstanceId, find the possible ids in: GET /applicationInstance
34006 This stop method requires a timeout value that must be greater than 0
34010 Parameter value is not valid
34011 The value of the filter parameter is invalid, possible values can be fleetId, regionId, dcLocationId
34012 The filter value is required
34013 The startTime parameter is invalid, only numeric values are allowed
34014 The endTime parameter is invalid, only numeric values are allowed
34015 The type parameter is invalid, it may only be %s
34016 The status parameter is invalid, possible values can be: 3) starting, 4) online, 5) allocated (only possible if previous status is online)
34017 There is no application instance found.
34018 There is no known operation system set on the application instance
34019 The chosen stop method doesn't match the operation system, you can find the stop methods in GET /application/stopMethod
34020 The chosen stop method is not valid, you can find the stop methods in GET /application/stopMethod
34021 To use the Arcus stop method you need to have selected Arcus as management protocol on the application
34022 To use the A2S stop method you need to have selected A2S as management protocol on the application
34023 The application instance that you want to use has an stop task assigned to it, please use an other application instance.
34024 Something went wrong when creating the task
34025 Unable to change an application instance that is marked for deletion
34026 No application instances available with filters \'%s\'
34027 There are application instances available for allocation with your filters - but Arcus is not working for these instances
34028 The deploymentEnvironmentId is valid - but there are no application instances available that match your deploymentEnvironmentId filter
34029 The fleetId is valid - but there are no application instances available that match your fleetId filter
34030 The regionId is valid - but there are no application instances available that match your regionId filter
34031 The dcLocationId is valid - but there are no application instances available that match your dcLocationId filter
34032 The application instance that you want to stop is automatically created by the scaler and can't be stopped manually
34033 This application instance cannot restart due to a temporary disruption in service - please contact support at
34034 This application instance cannot start due to a temporary disruption in service - please contact support at
34035 No online game application instances exist for this application - no application instance can be allocated
34036 No online game application instances available for allocation - unable to determine a reason at this time
34037 No online game application instances available for allocation - even without filters enabled
34038 Application instance session not found
34039 No application instances available with nested filters \'%s\'
Table 13: ApplicationInstance error codes


Error Code Message
29001 Invalid propertyId, find the possible ids in: GET /application/%d/property
29004 The propertyKey = %s already exists for the applicationId = %d
29006 The value of a property of type public network port must be between %s and %s (inclusive), or 0 for a random public network port
29008 Invalid property password, the property value you have chosen needs to be %d characters long
29009 This network port already used by application property \'%s\' (%s)
29010 The amount of network ports for a network port range must be between %s and %s
29011 The value of a property of type private network port must be between %s and %s (inclusive), or 0 for a random private network port
Table 14: ApplicationProperty error codes


Error Code Message
75001 Custom command model is empty, need to provide at lease one command
75002 The host that you want to do the custom command on has no game instances with the Arcus protocol implemented
Table 15: ArcusCustomCommandError error codes


Error Code Message
27001 Invalid fileId, find the possible ids in: GET /applicationInstall/assignable
Table 16: AssignableFile error codes


Error Code Message
60001 The provided userId %s doesn't match the userId %s in the database
60002 User with userId %s has not been found!
60003 The user id must be bigger than 0
60004 The name provided for the registration already exists for this user
Table 17: BuildProvisioning error codes


Error Code Message
68001 Invalid build provisioning file id, find the possible ids in: GET /buildProvisioning/storage/file
Table 18: BuildProvisioningFile error codes


Error Code Message
13001 Unknown configuration
13002 Error in order properties
13003 Failed to save the order
Table 19: Calc error codes


Error Code Message
12001 Error in quote properties
12002 Error in item quote properties
12003 Failed to save the quote
12004 Failed to save the item
12005 Errors in form
12006 File upload(s) expected but not found
12007 File is not pdf
12008 Only one file expected
12009 No file found
12010 Price does not match internally calculated
12011 Item not found
12020 Unknown configuration
Table 20: CalcQuote error codes


Error Code Message
42001 The value of the filter parameter is invalid, possible values can be %s
42002 Parameter value is not valid
42003 The startTime parameter is invalid, only numeric values are allowed
42004 The endTime parameter is invalid, only numeric values are allowed
Table 21: CCU error codes


Error Code Message
24010 %s is not a valid region name for %s, find the possible region name in: GET /cloud/dcLocation
24011 Error validating credentials with AWS: An unknown error occurred
24003 Error validating credentials with AWS: Invalid accessKeyId
24004 Error validating credentials with AWS: Invalid secretAccessKey
24002 Error validating credentials with AWS: You do not have enough permissions
24015 Error validating credentials with Azure
24006 Invalid credentialName, find the possible names in: GET /cloud/configuration/credential
24013 Resource name %s does not exist. Create a new Resource using the Azure API first:
24007 The cloud credentials already exist for the given cloud provider. The same credentials can only be set once
24009 The cloud credentials are invalid. You may not have permissions to access this project
24005 The credential name already exists, the name must be unique
24012 The param %s for %s is not of type %s
24008 The param %s for %s is required
24014 Unable to activate cloud credentials while VMs exist using the current cloud credentials. Please remove all existing VMs for this cloud provider and try again.
24001 Unknown cloud provider, find the possible cloud provider in: GET /cloud/provider
Table 22: CCU error codes


Error Code Message
59001 Invalid ucSettingId, find the possible ids in: GET /cloud/provider/uc/setting
59002 Invalid Ubisoft cloud projectId
59003 Invalid Ubisoft cloud region name, find the possible name\'s in: GET /v3/cloud/provider/dcLocation
59004 Invalid Ubisoft cloud public network UUID
59005 Invalid Ubisoft cloud private network UUID
59006 Invalid Ubisoft cloud security group UUID
Table 23: CloudDetail error codes


Error Code Message
19000 Undefined / unhandled error
19001 Instance quota has been reached / exceeded
19002 Instance zone resource pool exhausted
19003 Could not create VM instance
19004 Could not start VM instance
19005 Could not stop VM instance
19006 Could not terminate VM instance
19007 Could not query VM instance status
19008 Could not associate static IP to VM instance
13009 Could not get VM instance regions
19010 Could not get VM instance types
19011 Could not get VM images
19012 Could not copy VM image
19013 Could not get VM cpu platforms
19014 The instance configuration is not supported, check instance types, regions, and operating systems
19015 Invalid key/pair name provided
19016 IP address quota has been reached / exceeded
19017 Ubisoft cloud network UUID is not valid
19018 VM Image is not found
19019 No default subnet for availability zone
19020 Failed to allocate the network(s) with error No fixed IP addresses available
19021 Instance type not available
Table 24: CloudProvider error codes


Error Code Message
51001 Invalid colocationId, find the possible Ids in: GET /colocation
51002 Service was already cancelled on :date
51003 Service is already active
51004 Service contract end date is invalid
51005 Service has expired on :date
51006 The supplied PDU does not match the PDU found for this colocation, find the possible pduIds in: GET /colocation
51007 Unable to find a PDU for this colocation
51008 The IP address is out of range for this colocation
51009 An error occurred adding the PTR record
Table 25: CoLocation error codes


Error Code Message
56001 Errors in form Invalid accessId, find the possible Ids in: GET /colocation/access File upload(s) expected but not found
56002 Invalid status, the possible values are: all, granted, suspended, pending, denied or revoked
56003 You are not allowed to request Data Center access. You don't have an active colocation server
56004 Transition to revoked status is only possible from Granted or Suspended statuses.
56005 The white list entry may be deleted only if it is in denied state.
56006 Invalid documentId, find the possible Ids in: GET /colocation/access/{accessId}/document
Table 26: CoLocationAccess error codes


Error Code Message
57001 Invalid colocationAlertId, find the possible ids in: GET /colocation/{colocationId}/alert
Table 27: CoLocationAlert error codes


Error Code Message
44001 Invalid companyId, find the possible Ids in: GET /company
44002 Duplicate company
Table 28: Company error codes

Create Game Install

Error Code Message
18001 Invalid fileId, find the possible ids in: GET /applicationInstall/create
18002 The game executable was not found in the archive
18003 The archive cannot be handled due an unknown error
18004 The archive has an unhandled extension, do not know how to process it
18005 No game found
18006 No files found
18007 The file Id is already being used in another application install, the same file cannot be used more than once
18008 The application install name already exists, the name must be unique
Table 29: Create Game Install error codes


Error Code Message
67001 Invalid crossConnectId, find the possible Ids in: GET /crossConnect
67002 Cross connect was already cancelled on %s
67003 Cross connect is already active
67004 Cross connect contract end date is invalid
67005 Cross connect contract has expired on %s
67006 Invalid uplinkId, find the possible Ids in: GET /crossConnect/%s
Table 30: CrossConnect error codes


Error Code Message
25001 Cannot delete this deployment environment because it is used in a fleet
25002 Invalid deploymentEnvironmentId, find the possible ids in: GET /deploymentEnvironment
25003 The deployment environment name already exists, the name must be unique
25004 Invalid deploymentEnvironmentName, find the possible ids in: GET /deploymentEnvironment
Table 31: DeploymentEnvironment error codes


Error Code Message
32001 The entity is marked for deletion and thus it cannot be modified
32002 Invalid deploymentProfileId, find the possible ids in: GET /deploymentProfile
32003 The deployment profile name already exists, the name must be unique
32004 The deployment region name already exists for the deployment profile, the name must be unique for a deployment profile
32005 The maximumCapacity (if not null) has to be larger or equal to minimumCapacity
32006 The bufferValueMin (%d) must be smaller or equal to bufferValueMax (%d)
32007 The strategy type is invalid, the possible values are: 1: Round Robin
32008 The cpuPlatform cannot be null (it can be empty string \'\')
32009 The cpuPlatform is invalid, find the possible values in: GET /cloud/cpuPlatform
32010 The primaryInstanceTypeName for providerId %d is invalid, find the possible values in: GET /cloud/instanceType
32011 The primaryInstanceTypeName is not supported by our AMIs, change the instance type or contact i3D in order to create a custom AMI
32012 The secondaryInstanceTypeName for providerId %d is invalid, find the possible values in: GET /cloud/instanceType
32013 The secondaryInstanceTypeName is not supported by our AMIs, change the instance type or contact i3D in order to create a custom AMI
32014 The cloudImageName is invalid, find the possible values in: GET /cloud/image
32015 The cloudImageName is required, find the possible values in: GET /cloud/image
32016 Invalid deploymentRegionId, find the possible ids in: GET /deploymentProfile/{deploymentProfileId}
32017 The deployment region requires at least one i3dDcLocationId, find the possible ids in: GET /cloud/dcLocation
32018 The bufferValueType is invalid, the possible values are: 0: absolute value, 1: percentage value
32019 The dcLocationId = %d is invalid, find the possible ids in: GET /cloud/dcLocation
32020 The i3dDcLocationId = %d is already set in another deployment region of the same deployment profile
32021 The dcLocationId = %d does not belong to providerId = (%d)
32022 The dcLocationId is required, find the possible ids in: GET /cloud/dcLocation
32023 The dcLocationId = %d is already set in the deployment region
32024 Invalid deploymentContainerId, find the possible ids in: GET /deploymentRegion/{deploymentRegionId}
32025 Invalid deploymentContainerLocationId, find the possible ids in: GET /deploymentRegion/{deploymentRegionId}
32026 The cloudProviderId is required, find the possible cloud provider Ids in: GET /cloud/provider
32027 The primary and secondary instance types must be different
32028 Not all existing deployment containers belonging to the deployment region have been provided in your request
32029 Not all existing deployment container locations belonging to the deployment region have been provided in your request
32030 End time must be zero or bigger than start time
32031 This deployment profile cannot be deleted because it is used in the following fleet(s): %s
32032 Deletion of deployment region cannot be cancelled because its profile is marked for deletion
32033 Deletion of deployment container cannot be cancelled because its region is marked for deletion
32034 Deletion of deployment container location cannot be cancelled because its container is marked for deletion
32035 The deployment region is missing in deployment profile, add a deployment region to your deployment profile in: POST /deploymentProfile/%s/deploymentRegion
32036 The I3D location is missing in deployment region of deployment profile, find the possible ids in: GET /deploymentProfile
32037 The cloud image is missing in deployment profile, find the possible ids in: GET /deploymentProfile
32038 The instance type is missing in deployment region of deployment profile, find the possible ids in: GET /deploymentProfile
32039 The bufferValue and/or bufferValueType are missing. When overriding bufferValueMin or bufferValueMax these properties are required
32040 Cannot remove location, there are secondary cloud locations still. Remove those first before removing the last primary cloud location
32041 The minimumCapacity has to be smaller than or equal to maximumCapacity (if not null)
32042 The bufferValueMax (%d) must be greater than or equal to bufferValueMin (%d)
32043 There are still (%d) manually deployed instances active in the i3D dcLocationId %s, you must delete them first before deleting the i3D dcLocation
32044 Deployment profile is already in use by another fleet, you can only use a deployment profile once
32045 The application property does not exist, find possible ids in GET /application/{applicationId}/property
32046 Cannot override application property for this deployment region: it is already overridden in deployment region property %s. Use PUT /deploymentRegion/%s/property/%s to update it instead
32047 The given applicationPropertyId has an invalid property type, only raw properties may be overridden by a deployment region property
32048 Invalid regionName, find the possible ids in: GET /deploymentProfile/{deploymentProfileId}
32049 Invalid dcLocationName , find the possible ids in: GET /cloud/dcLocation
32050 Invalid dcLocationId , find the possible ids in: GET /cloud/dcLocation
Table 32: DeploymentProfile error codes


Error Code Message
33001 BuildId and NewBuildId cannot be same
33002 Sum of BuildIdPercentage and NewBuildIdPercentage must be equal to 100
33003 Cannot delete the deployment template, it is already in use
33004 The deployment template name already exists, the name must be unique
33005 Invalid gameDeploymentTemplateId, find the possible ids in: GET /deploymentTemplate/game
33006 Invalid utilityDeploymentTemplateId, find the possible ids in: GET /deploymentTemplate/utility
33007 Only application builds with an application of type game are allowed to be used in game deployment template
33008 Only application builds with an application of type utility are allowed to be used in utility deployment template
33009 The following fleet(s) %s, still have operational status automatic deployment or automatic scaling, change the operational status on the fleet before removing the game deployment template
33010 Game deployment template doesn\'t have valid applicationBuildId
33011 Utility deployment template doesn\'t have valid applicationBuildId
33012 Invalid deploymentTemplateId, find the possible ids in: GET /deploymentTemplate/dependency
33013 Only application build with an application of type dependency installer is allowed to be used in dependency deployment template
33014 Only application build with an application of type dependency uninstaller is allowed to be used in dependency deployment template
33015 The following fleet(s) %s, still have operational status automatic deployment or automatic scaling, change the operational status on the fleet before removing the dependency deployment template
33016 You can only assign one application build to a game deployment template
33017 The %s with id %s doesn't exists in our database
33018 The dependencyTemplate chosen has dependencyBuild with osId %s, this doesn't match the applicationBuild that has osId %s
33019 The dependencyBuild OS of the installer doesn't match the uninstaller, OS installer: %s and OS uninstaller: %s
33020 The chosen game deployment template doesn't have an build assigned to it
33021 Currently the %s template is in use by application instances, you cannot change the application build for this template, please use patching for this
33022 Dependency deployment template doesn't have valid dependency installer applicationBuildId
33023 Utility deployment template doesn't have valid  dependency uninstaller applicationBuildId
Table 33: DeploymentTemplate error codes


Error Code Message
53001 Invalid emailConfirmationId
Table 34: Email error codes


Error Code Message
43001 Filter is invalid
43002 Filter parameter is invalid, its possible values can be \'%s\'
43003 Filter parameter \'%s\' is not a valid \'%s\' (must be of type \'%s\')
Table 35: Email error codes


Error Code Message
26001 Cannot delete this fleet, it is already in use
26002 Host is already reserved by fleet \'%s\' (%s)
26003 Only reset if there are no active application instances on this host
26004 The elements of the fleet are not correctly set to start deploying application instances
26005 Cannot delete this fleet, there are %s active application instances on this fleet. Find the application instances that are still running on this fleet with GET /applicationInstance?filters=fleetId%%3D%s
26006 The host selected does not have that fleetId assigned or the hostId is not correct
26007 Invalid fleetId, find the possible ids in: GET /fleet
26008 The fleet used in the creation of the application instance is no longer valid, please create a new application instance
26009 The fleet name already exists, the name must be unique
26010 Fleet %s\'s operational status must be 0 to unset the game deployment Id (current: %s). Set the fleet\'s operational status to 0 first in: PUT /fleet/%s/operationalStatus
26011 The host is already assigned to this fleet
26012 There is no game deployment template configured, unable to change the operational status to %s. Update the fleet with a game deployment template in: PUT /fleet/%s
26013 The fleet operational status must be 0, to (un)set the dependency deployment template, use PUT /fleet/%s/operationalStatus, to set the operationalStatus to 0 first
26014 For change the operational status you must send the field operationalStatus
26015 Unable to reserve host for fleet, there are %s application instances that do not belong to this fleet running on the host (fleet: %s, application instances: %s)
26016 You cannot change the %s on this fleet, because there are instances running for this fleet
26017 Invalid fleetId(s) (%s), find the possible ids in: GET /v3/fleet
26018 Cannot change the status of the fleet, because it\'s currently used by a patch job
26019 Invalid fleetName, find the possible ids in: GET /v3/fleet
26020 The fleet has no assigned game deployment template, unable to verify the target OS of requested servers
26021 Not able to remove marked for deletion deployment profile with id %s
26022 Something went wrong well deleting fleet with  id %s
Table 36: Fleet error codes


Error Code Message
63001 Out of stock
63002 Invalid Flex Metal order ID
63003 No active instances found
63004 Not a Flex Metal server
Table 37: FlexMetalOrder error codes


Error Code Message
11001 Errors in form
11002 File upload(s) expected but not found
Table 38: Form error codes


Error Code Message
16001 Invalid game ID
16002 Not the owner of the given game ID
Table 39: Game error codes

Game Instance

Error Code Message
17001 Invalid game server ID
17002 Game server is already running
17003 Game server is already stopped
17004 Game server's status cannot be manually set if the process is not running
17005 Game server's status cannot be manually set to allocated if the process is not online
17006 Invalid filter query parameter
Table 40: Game Instance error codes


Error Code Message
39000 Invalid hostId, find the possible ids in: GET /host
39001 The selected host is assigned to a different fleet that the one provided, please select another host or the fleet the host has assigned
39002 Host is already reserved, you can un-reserve it in: PUT /fleet/{fleetId}/host/{hostId}/unreserve
39003 There are active application instances in the host, it cannot be unreserved
39004 The value of the filter parameter is invalid, possible values can be %s
39005 Parameter value is not valid
39006 The startTime parameter is invalid, only numeric values are allowed
39007 The endTime parameter is invalid, only numeric values are allowed
39008 Invalid period
39009 Host was already cancelled on %s
39010 Host is already active
39011 Host has expired on %s; it cannot be renewed
39012 Invalid dedicatedServerId, find the possible ids in: GET /dedicatedServer
39013 End time must be after start time
39014 The requested period does not overlap the contract period
39015 The requested period may not be longer than 12 months
39016 The IP address is invalid for this host
39017 An error occurred adding the PTR record
39018 Host (%d) is already assigned to a fleet (%s)
39019 No active host available in your account
39020 Host (%d) is not a valid host, only Bare Metal can be reserved
39021 Host id(%d) uplink is invalid
39022 Host (%d) is already in the process of reservation
39023 The host (%d) osId (%d) is not matched with the fleet osId (%d)
Table 41: Host error codes

Host Agent

Error Code Message
21001 No ODP agent exists for this hostId please select another host
Table 42: Host Agent error codes


Error Code Message
76000 Internal error in host agent
76001 Unauthenticated
76002 Internal Server error
76003 The application instance does not exist on the host
76004 The application instance is invalid and cannot be allocated on the host
76005 The application instance is currently being allocated on the host
76006 The application instance is already allocated on the host
76007 Failed to allocate the application instance on the host is aborted or timed out
Table 43: HostAgentAPIError codes


Error Code Message
58001 Invalid hostAlertId, find the possible ids in: GET /host/{hostId}/alert
Table 44: HostAlert error codes


Error Code Message
46001 Cannot delete this host capacity template because it is used in fleet %s (id: %s)
46002 Cannot delete this host capacity template because it is used in application build %s (id: %s)
46003 Invalid hostCapacityTemplateId, find the possible Ids in: GET /hostCapacityTemplate
46004 This host capacity template name already exists, the name must be unique
Table 45: HostCapacityTemplate error codes


Error Code Message
64001 Invalid instance type, find possible instance types in: GET /host/flexmetal/instanceType
Table 46: InstanceType error codes


Error Code Message
47004 This instance type does not exist, find the possible instance types in GET /host/instanceType
47003 This instance type does not exist, find the possible instance types in GET /cloud/instanceType
47001 Invalid instanceTypeCapacityId, find the possible Ids in: GET /hostCapacityTemplate/{hostCapacityTemplateId}/instanceTypeCapacity
47005 Capacity limit exceeded; you may only have up to %s application instances on this instanceType (%s per core * %s cores%s). Review the amount of cores for your chosen instanceType and adjust the capacity accordingly
47002 An instance type capacity already exists for this host capacity template/providerId/instance type combination
Table 47: InstanceTypeCapacity error codes


Error Code Message
70001 Invalid invoiceId, find the possible ids in: GET /v3/account/invoice
70002 Invalid invoice number
Table 48: Invoice error codes


Error Code Message
22001 Invalid character in query, only AND/OR operators are allowed.
22002 Label must have unique key
Table 49: Label error codes


Error Code Message
66001 Invalid location, find possible locations in: GET /locations
Table 50: Location error codes


Error Code Message
80001 The ip-range not found
Table 51: Network error codes


Error Code Message
21001 No ODP agent exists for this hostId please select another host
21002 Invalid agentId, find the possible ids in: GET /odp/web/agent
Table 52: OdpAgent error codes


Error Code Message
36000 Invalid osId, find the possible ids in: GET /operatingsystem
36001 The operating system of the application build and the server don\'t match, please use another host
36002 The osId provided belongs to a osGroupId that does not match the osGroupId set in the application install, find the possible osIds in: GET /operatingsystem
36003 The OS is not available for Flex Metal usage. Find the possible osIds in: GET /operatingsystem
36004 The osId provided belongs to a osGroupId that does not match the osGroupId set in the application, find the possible osIds in: GET /operatingsystem
36005 You cannot change the osId for an application build, create a new application build instead
Table 53: OperatingSystem error codes


Error Code Message
65001 Invalid operating system, find possible operating systems in: GET /operatingsystem
Table 54: OS error codes


Error Code Message
50001 The patch job name already exists, the name must be unique
50002 Invalid patchJobId, find the possible ids in: GET /v3/patchJob
50003 Patch job can no longer be updated since its scheduled start time less than 5 minutes away
50004 Patch job can only be put on hold if the patch job status is active or preload
50005 Patch job can only be unhold if patch job is put on hold
50006 A completed or cancelled patch job cannot be canceled anymore
50007 Patch job scheduled time is less than current time
50008 Invalid patchJobReportEmailId, find the possible ids in: GET /v3/patchJob
50009 A completed patch job cannot be edited
50010 No actions can performed on reverted patch job
50011 The patch job is finished and cannot be edited anymore
50012 The patch job is running and cannot be edited anymore
50013 Only a running patch job can be stopped
Table 55: PatchJob error codes


Error Code Message
72001 Unable to parse schema JSON
Table 55: Postman error codes


14000 Invalid server ID
14001 No cactiId available for this interface
14002 Category is not allowed for this action
14003 Invalid speed, please provide speed in duplex format.
14004 Invalid state
Table 56: PxeServer error codes


Error Code Message
49001 Email address (%s) is not unique
Table 57: ReportEmail error codes


Error Code Message
73001 Windows builds can only run as administrator
73002 Dependency installer and uninstaller can only be run as root
Table 58: RunAsRootError codes


Error Code Message
41001 The validation of the webHookUrl failed
41002 The slack setting name already exists, the name must be unique
41003 Invalid slackSettingId, find the possible ids in: GET /slackSetting
Table 59: Slack error codes


Error Code Message
73001 Invalid sshKeyId, find the possible ids in: GET /sshKey
Table 60: SshKey error codes


Error Code Message
23001 Invalid task template ID
23002 Invalid task ID
23003 Task creation is missing a required parameter %s
23004 Invalid task action parameter
23005 Task status cannot be changed (anymore)
23006 Invalid task batch ID
Table 61: Task error codes


Error Code Message
69001 Parameter value is not valid
69002 The startTime parameter is invalid
69003 The endTime parameter is invalid
69004 Invalid interval parameter
69005 The endTime parameter value is smaller than startTime parameter value
Table 62: Telemetry error codes


Error Code Message
15005 Ticket is permanently closed
15006 Ticket is already closed
15007 Ticket is already open
15008 The ticket can not be created, rate limit exceeded
15009 Attachment not found, unable to attach to ticket
15010 Unable to delete attachment that is already coupled to a ticket (reply)
15011 An error occurred uploading the attachment. Please try again
15012 The uploaded attachment is too big, the maximum file size is %s
15013 You may only upload a maximum of %s attachments.
15014 The uploaded attachment has an incorrect extension, files must have one of the following extensions: %s
Table 63: Ticket error codes


Error Code Message
71001 Invalid trigger ID
71002 You can not use this event %s with a rule based on server
71003 Must be an array %s
71004 Condition with conditionId %s and value %s is invalid
71005 Condition with id %s is not valid
71006 For event Action with id %s the value must be NULL
71007 Event Action with id %s is invalid
71008 Rule Action with id %s is invalid
71009 Email address %s is invalid
71010 The name provided for the trigger has already being used
71011 The rule data type provided with id %s is invalid
71012 The value of conditionValue must be a numeric string or a number
71013 The value of rule must be a valid object of MemoryTriggerRule or CPUTriggerRule
71014 The value of action parameters must be a valid object of ApplicationInstanceStopMethod
Table 64: Trigger error codes


Error Code Message
61001 Vetting level is not sufficient
Table 65: Vetting error codes


Error Code Message
55001 Invalid whitelistId, find the possible ids in: GET /account/whitelist
Table 66: Whitelist error codes

Elements that don't have error codes

  • API Log
  • ApplicationBuildConfiguration
  • ApplicationBuildProperty
  • Application Deployment
  • ApplicationProperty
  • DeploymentProfile
  • Host
  • Operating System

For more information, see the ErrorDetails documentation.