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An Application is an component that describes a program that the system can deploy. As such, every program you want to deploy must be defined by an Application component. You can specify the application type, whether it has a management protocol (only applies to application type Game), give it a name, a website, description, etc.

Application types

An Application can be one of four types:

  • a game server (type: Game)
  • a utility / sidecar (type: Utility)
  • a dependency installer (type: DependencyInstaller)
  • a dependency un-installer (type: DependencyUninstaller)

Element structure

Property Value type Required Description
id string Read-only Unique identifier of this element
type int Yes The type of application:
1: Game server
2: Utility
3 DependencyInstaller
4 DependencyUninstaller
managementProtocol int Yes The management protocol supported by the application (only applies when Application Type is Game server):
0: None
1: A2S
2: Arcus
name string Yes The name of the application
description string No A description of the application
websiteUrl string No A website URL for the application
developerName string No The developer of the application
publisherName string No The publisher of the application
stopDefaultOsGroup int no The default operating system group being used for the stop method, WINDOWS = 1, LINUX = 2. If you have a Windows and Linux ApplicationBuild you can overwrite on the AplicationBuild level. The default operating system is Linux
stopMethod int no The stop method that will be used on restart or destroy of an application instance. The default is hard kill
stopTimeout int no The timeout that will be used on restart or destroy of an application instance. The default is 0 (no timeout)
createdAt int Read-only A unix timestamp of when this element was created
inUse int Read-only If the application currently in use or not
Table 1: Application element structure


Every program we deploy with the platform will be defined by an Application element. The Application element is at the top of the application related hierarchy. It gives everything related to an Application an identity:

Additional application specific properties are provided through the ApplicationProperty element. An Application can have zero or more ApplicationProperty elements.

See also:


You can define any number of Applications for your account. There is no limit.