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The UtilityDeploymentTemplate indicates which utility / utilities you want to deploy onto each host (bare metal or VM). A utility, also known as a sidecar, is always deployed once per host. You can indicate whether a utility should be deployed only on bare metal servers or virtual machines, or both.

When a new host is selected for deployment of game servers, the utility will be the first thing to be deployed onto the host. Reversely, when a host has been freed from any game server applications, the utilities will be removed again, cleaning up the host.

Show UtilityDeploymentTemplate in Deployment Configuration overview
Figure 1: Highlighting where the UtilityDeploymentTemplate elements belong in the overview


A UtilityDeploymentTemplate is used by a Fleet and defines which ApplicationBuilds (of type Utility) will be deployed for that Fleet. A single UtilityDeploymentTemplate can define more than one ApplicationBuild by adding multiple UtilityDeploymentTemplate elements. Each of these defines a single ApplicationBuild (of type Utility).

Each ApplicationBuild in the UtilityDeploymentTemplate will be deployed once per host, unless indicated otherwise in a UtilityDeploymentTemplateBuild. There you can indicate whether a utility should be deployed onto bare metal only, VM only or both (UtilityDeploymentTemplate.deployOn). Additionally a limit can be set to the amount of hosts the utilities are deployed on (UtilityDeploymentTemplate.installsPerLocation). This can be useful for certain types of utilities such as ping servers, for which you may only need a limited number.

You can create as many UtilityDeploymentTemplates as you like within the platform. However, a Fleet can only point to one UtilityDeploymentTemplate at a time. A UtilityDeploymentTemplate can be shared (re-used) across multiple fleets though.


Utilities / sidecars must be regular applications that run in the foreground. It is generally not a good idea to start utilities as a service.

Element structure

Property Value type Required Description
id string Read-only Unique identifier of this element
fleetIds [int] Read-only List of Fleet IDs this template is used in
name string Yes Name of the template
inUse boolean Read-only Indicates whether this template is actively being used in a Fleet
createdAt int Read-only A unix timestamp of when this element was created
utilityDeploymentTemplateBuild [UtilityDeploymentTemplateBuild] Yes List of UtilityDeploymentTemplateBuild elements, pointing to ApplicationBuilds
Table 1: UtilityDeploymentTemplate element structure

UtilityDeploymentTemplateBuild element structure

Property Value type Required Description
applicationBuildId string Yes Identifier of the ApplicationBuild you want to deploy
deployOn int No 1: bare metal
2: VM
3: both (default)
installsPerLocation int No The amount of hosts to deploy this utility on, on a per DC location basis. The value 0 means "install on all hosts". Defaults to 0 if omitted.
Table 2: UtilityDeploymentTemplateBuild element structure

API example

Create a new GameDeploymentTemplate within your account.

Full API reference

HTTP request

POST /v3/deploymentTemplate/utility

Request body

  "name": "MyUtilityDeploymentTemplate",
  "utilityDeploymentTemplateBuild": [
      "applicationBuildId": "3801243597300703061",
      "deployOn": 3,
      "installsPerLocation": 0

Response body

    "id": "5077110393967868847",
    "fleetIds": [
    "name": "MyUtilityDeploymentTemplate",
    "inUse": 0,
    "createdAt": 1573060365,
    "utilityDeploymentTemplateBuild": [
        "applicationBuildId": "3801243597300703061",
        "deployOn": 3,
        "installsPerLocation": 0

Attach UtilityDeploymentTemplate to a Fleet:

Full API reference

HTTP request

PUT /v3/fleet/{fleetId}

Request body

  "utilityDeploymentTemplateId": "8243136848298003197",

Response body

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "deploymentEnvironmentId": "string",
    "deploymentProfileId": "string",
    "gameDeploymentTemplateId": "string",
    "utilityDeploymentTemplateId": "8243136848298003197",
    "operationalStatus": 0